Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 8

Today was another successful day of tutoring! Karen and I worked on her government homework, and I was surprised by all of the terms and questions I didn't know the answer to (good thing it isn't my plan to be a government teacher!). She doesn't have that much more left in her E2020 program, and I'm excited that I should be there by the time she finished it at the end of the semester.

The big thing we talked about today was Karen's upcoming graduation test- she's taking it next week. Karen took the graduation test earlier in the semester and did not pass, so I know she is nervous about this one. If she doesn't pass it, she will have to stay at CCHS for summer school and keep trying to earn her diploma. I think the concept of a graduation test is a little ridiculous- some people just aren't naturally good test takers, and they can freeze up on the day of the exam. I don't want this one little test to determine the rest of Karen's life. I don't even remember taking one in high school- I don't think we had to.

I tried my best to encourage Karen and pump her up for the big exam. I told her to study hard and go slow, reading each question very carefully and then going back and checking her answers when she was finished. She took my advice to heart, but she honestly didn't seem too stressed about it. Karen is nearly always tired, probably because she spends a lot of her evenings up at night with her son. I really want to make a point to come to CCHS more often, so I can continue to help ease some of the stress off of Karen by explaining her homework to her, so she can get it done fast and focus on her graduation exam.

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