Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 14

I can't believe I am almost finished with the semester and have nearly completed all the hours I need tutoring at CCHS. I am coming in next Wednesday for two hours to finish up my time, and I was sad to tell Karen this today.The class was pretty much the same as it normally is, but today I was excited to find out that Karen is done with all of her E2020 lessons! She is so close to graduating, and I could not be more excited for her. The only thing she has left to complete are her Spanish lessons, which she takes on the popular program Rosetta Stone. She jokingly asked me if I knew any Spanish when I showed up to class (we've never worked on this particular subject together), and I told her that I would try my best. I took Spanish for three years in high school and wasn't terrible at it, but that was a few years ago, and I wasn't sure how much of it I would remember.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had more knowledge about Spanish than I gave myself credit for, and I was really able to help Karen out with her questions. She knew it pretty well too, (better than many of her other subjects), and that just reinforces my belief that almost every other program does a better job of teaching than the E2020 program. Karen listened to headphones throughout her quizzes, because an automated voice would read her the questions and the potential answer choices. I had a really good feeling about the work we did today, because it was one of the first times at CCHS that I felt really confident in the subject material, and felt like Karen was appreciative of all my extra help.

If Karen still isn't finished with all of her Spanish next Wednesday, I'm going to return to CCHS to help her finish it, or work with her on whatever she needs help with. I feel like I've grown really close to Karen, and I want to see her succeed and be proud of herself for completing everything and getting her diploma. I've reflected more on my time at Classic City High School in my last post.

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